Australia – My Highlight Reel
Australia – My Highlight Reel
I was talking to someone the other day who was over here visiting family they had come from England and realised whilst they had explored Melbourne, but they really hadn’t ventured around Australia and with their time here quickly coming to an end they asked me what my favourite places in Australia are? What are the places to me that best showcase our beautiful country?
They had seen the tourist brochures, but wanted to know if I was to make a brochure highlighting Australia what would make the list?
There is nothing like seeing the Red dirt of Central Australia.
Every time I go there I am reminded about the amazing diversity in our country. The beautiful way the red dirt contrasts with the blue sky.
Step back into History at Paronella Park
(120kms south of Cairns)
Paronella Park is a magical historic site situated beside the Mena Creek Falls. The ruins of this magical Castle is the perfect place to take some majestic photos, and imagine how Grand life would have been when the Castle was first built 80 years ago.
Take a flight over the worlds largest Coral Reef system
The great Barrier Reef. Last year we had the great opportunity to fly over the reef out of Cairns. It is an amazing view, and if you combine it with a Scuba dive / snorkel trip out on the reef and it’s an experience that you will never forget.
See some of our impressive Wildlife.
In Australia we have a great variety of wildlife from the cute and cuddly, to the more dangerous.
Take a drive on an Iconic Road.
The great ocean road is 243 kms long and runs from Torquay VIC to Allansford VIC. The Great Ocean road was built by returning soldiers between 1919 – 1932. It is dedicated to the soldiers that died during World War 1, so it is the World’s largest War memorial. There is so many great landmarks to see long the way from the Twelve apostles, Loch Arch Gorge, London bridge.
Take a trip to the Home of the Man from Snowy river.
40km east of Mansfield on Mount Sterling is the iconic Craig’s Hut, It was built especially for the film the man from Snowy river back in 1981. Unfortunately when the bushfires came through in 2006 it was burnt down, however then beautifully restored by volunteers.
What would be on your highlight reel?